Women at War The website of peacewomen.org states “ when women are at the negotiating table, peace is more likely”. Women face the loss of home, rearing children in war torn surroundings, and far too often face war-rape , so they have a great stake in ensuring peace. Yet, ironically, in Urdu, the words for war and army are feminine, and the word for peace is masculine. While war has been predominantly the domain of men, throughout history there are examples of women who took to the battlefield. Some disguised as men, some as groups of women fighters, and a few led forces into battle. Many are familiar with Boudicca who led a rebellion in 60 AD against the Romans in Britain, and the 17 year old Joan of Arc who fought with French troops to defeat the English in 1429. Lady Fu Hao was considered the most powerful military leader of China in 1200 BC. Alexander the Great’s half-sister, Cynane fought alongside her brother. The Vietnamese venerate Lady Triệu who fought ...