Art and the Swadeshi Movement In my quest to discover the origins of the exquisite tiles in my aunts’ home in Karachi’s old Amil Colony, I stumbled upon a whole new dimension of the Swadeshi, and later Swaraj, movement, an important rallying point for the Freedom Movement. Swaraj is commonly identified with Non-cooperation, Civil Disobedience, and political rallies. Behind the public bonfires of European cloth, manufacturers, designers, artists, poets and journalists quietly built factories, established presses, redesigned art school curricula that not only spread the spirit of revolution across India but ensured there were locally produced alternatives. Jamshed Nusserwanji established Bharat Tiles with Pheroze Sidhwa in 1922 in Bombay with a manufacturing branch in Karachi, as his swadeshi contribution, saying “India needs both economic and political independence”. Developing a new process using coloured cements, the exquisite tiles we see in all heritage bu...